here is my last blog post

The challenge of slowing down Carpe diem. It’s been 2 years into pandemic, so with this post I wanted to have a little look back and give myself kudos for all the good things I managed to learn and build out of this mess. I started writing this draft in February, just few days before going to fashion week in Milan and planned to finish whenever I’m done with the deadlines. It makes very little sense today. There is just one thing I would like to say – carpe this f*king diem. The moment we think we have time – it is already too late, so catch the moment, live it fully. Now is all we have.
See other posts
From where I stand
April 26, 2022
From where I stand Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie, Mannheim 2022 As the critical phase of pandemic is currently ended, I am very excited to be able to visit a few expos and art fairs this year. By luck 2022 is the year where some of the most important biennale and triennale happening alltogether. The […]
The challenge of slowing down
April 19, 2022 Carpe diem. It’s been 2 years into pandemic, so with this post I wanted to have a little look back and give myself kudos for all the good things I managed to learn and build out of this mess. I started writing this draft in February, just few days before going to fashion week […]
Practicing Chaos. Photography after pandemic.
April 29, 2020
As time of pandemic goes by, it becomes a new normal to be sure of nothing. Especially if you are an independent artist. What our future will look like? The way we live today – is it the new normal? Is there a place for me in the new world? Questions we all spinning […]
All that glam! Female photographer at Fashion week
February 20, 2020
A little before Fashion Week madness started, earlier in February I came across an article that immideatly echoed in me. Written by one of few working female fashion catwalk and backstage photographers Megan Cencula it tells her personal story of daily battles. It honestly made me sad. I can not believe we are talking about same things as […]
Portrait Photography as a unique tool of self-discovery.
September 25, 2019
We live in a time where anything you can imagine is within a reach of a hand, one click away. Technologies are developing at light speed, nevertheless it often brings more anxiety than ease into our lives. And so we adapt. Waking up in the morning, the first thing we do – we put […]
Oh, hello!
July 16, 2019
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, when internet was still a bunch of geeks and strangers I had a little blog at Writtig have never been something I considered doing full-time, however I enjoyed sharing my great discoveries and life adventures. 15 years fast forward, and here I am, writting […]